

The mission of pg电子游戏试玩’s Serial Department is to emphasize intellectual development by “Consistently inspiring patrons to continue taking advantage of lifelong learning experiences utilizing ASU’s hundreds of journals through various databases both on and off campus through OPAC and promptly and effectively procuring serials publications.

Vision Statement

The Serials Department’s vision is to reinforce the main vision of pg电子游戏试玩. The Serials Department is and will remain one of the conduits ASU uses in its plight to develop diverse students into globally competitive leaders who are well capable of applying scientific research through collaborative partnerships that will benefit surrounding communities and states.


Integrity : We will be straightforward with each patron that patronize the resources of the J. D. 博伊德以愉快的态度去图书馆.

Knowledge : We will share the wealth of knowledge we hold in book form on our magazines on shelves, in newspapers, on microform, 在亚利桑那州立大学的网站上, in our journal online databases and in print with every patron in the most courteous way possible.

Service : We persist ready to offer each patron the best library experience possible through the least stressful means while using the most up-to-date technology available to ASU amidst fulfilling each patron’s information need.

Communication : 我们将保持开放, courteous, and attentive line of communication from the very beginning of each library experience to the very last word spoken between each library employee and the patron.


The goal of the Serials Department is to maintain a periodical collection that meets all information need for both academic and entertainment purposes. 此外,本部门的目标是:

1) to continue to give patrons access to our information services online 24 hours a day seven days a week through online database access on and off campus;

2) to continue give patrons access to the ASU library facility for extended hours to meet their daily information need; and

3)鼓励所有的赞助人, including employees, to explore the wide variety of resources the serials department offers that will also meet information need beside the usual or most common resources.